Friday, August 21, 2020

Where is my mind

Where is my mind DID YOU KNOW? The MIT school fight song, The Engineers Drinking Song was originally derived from the song A Son of a Gambolier by my childhood friend Charles Ives. Hokay, so I still do exist and I still do blog once in a while. Ive been feeling kind of floaty these past few weeks, like theres a quote from The Unbearable Lightness of Being to describe my current situation, but I cant remember it because I didnt end up liking that book as much as I hoped. God, I sound like Paula Abdul. Guys, I have a great joke. Q: Why was six afraid of seven? A: Because seven ate nine. Q: Why was seven afraid of eight? A: Mathematical induction. But seriously, guys, everythings really up in the air right now. Ive got six days to choose a grad school. Ive got it narrowed down to the sketchy liberal slums of UC Berkeley and the sprawling Spanish resort paradise of Stanford. But its hardgrad school is different because you dont only have to choose a place to spend then next five years of your life, you also have to find an adviser to whom you can relinquish control of you academic future. Theres one dude at Stanford, Tom Jaramillo, who Id really like to relinquish myself to. But then at Berkeley I see some awesome atmospheric chemistry stuff, and, well, its hard, unlike choosing MIT for undergrad. You know it! More immediately, I have no summer plans. This afternoon I met with the incomparable Dr. Sigrid Berka, who found me my summer internship in Germany last summer. Its kind of too late to find an internship in another country right now, which is cool because my one requirement for a job this summer is NOT TECHNICAL. So she suggested that I just go around Germany interviewing other interns and blogging and getting paid by MIT. Well, thats not too bad a deal. But tomorrow Im heading down to JP Licks for free scoop day. The last time I was there, there was a help wanted signso Im hoping itll still be there and that the place wont be too crowded for me to pick up an application. Im actually hoping for kind of a combination of the two at this pointactually, my dream would probably be to travel around Europe scooping ice cream for different MIT students. Since every third store in Germany is, by law, an Eiscafe, its actually kind of a feasible dream. Also of interest, I went camping with Conner 2 this weekend. There was also a cabin to stay in, but, you know, were not losers. I am, however, kind of clumsy, because somehow in between buying some delicious Apple Dapples in New Hampshire and leaving the cabin, I managed to misplace my wallet. Luckily, I saved my MIT ID, which is good because all MIT IDs printed after 2008 make me want to hurl when I look at them. Sorry, its true. Anyhoo, Im pretty sure I know where I left it in the cabin, so I just have to wait until the cabin is inhabited again so I can ask people to look for it. Im actually not too worried about losing my drivers license or anything, because the pictures bad, and there was only one dollar in the wallet itself. So I might have to get my debit card replaced, at worst. But I had a free movie coupon for LSC that I earned by paying full price for ten movies, and also I was only one falafel away from a free falafel at the Couscous Kitchen food truck. I feel totally naked now. In the meantime, Im really super glad that I have a passport, because Ruth 07 awesomely scored tickets to see The Colbert Report on Wednesday, so were skipping all of our classes and making a $15 Chinatown bus trip down to New York City to see it. Covet! Anyway, I have like 87 German-related assignments to do for tomorrow, because Im the biggest slacker on Earth. Oh, its true. But remember, dont you start slacking this last quarter just because you got into MIT or anythingif Marilee Jones catches you slacking, shell come to your house and kill your dog. For fun. So dont push her!

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